Whether or not you’re planning a St. Patrick’s Day Party, we thought it might be fun to do a quick history lesson on this global celebration. Let’s find out why we celebrate this historic holiday.
Here we go!
The quick history of St. Patrick’s Day
Though he is a patron saint of Ireland, Saint Patrick wasn’t born there; he was born in Britain in 385 AD. At 16, he was kidnapped by Irish raiders.

Born the son of a deacon and grandson of a priest, Saint Patrick was forced to work as a shepherd in Ireland for siz years. He escaped from slavery, but eventually returned to Ireland, bringing Christianity with him.
So why do we party on celebrate this day?
Though it began as a religious holiday, this day is now a global celebration of Irish culture and heritage. In fact, St. Patrick’s Day is celebrated in more countries than any other national festival!

But why is drinking associated with St. Patrick’s Day?
Simple: the Lenten restriction on alcohol is lifted for that day.
Erin go Bragh!
Looking for St. Patrick’s Day frames or greeting cards?
Hi! We’re Studio Style, and we help party people get their picture home, safe and sound. We work with event planners, photographers, photo booth owners, and all sorts of party people to create memorable party favors to frame and protect event pictures.

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