Commemorative photos taken on graduation day add value to dog obedience programs.
Dog obedience school graduation is an important day for many pet owners. With all the hard work of training, the pay-off is huge. Owners gain confidence in their dog’s behavior and a new bond and trust is formed between the two.
Pet owners love photos of their furry companions, and a graduation day photograph is a great way to celebrate their dog’s achievement.

Photo Ideas for Obedience Training Graduation for Dogs
- Dog with owner on graduation day (holding certificate)
- Action shot of dog during the training program
- Posed photograph of dog alone
- Group shot! Why not remember your pup’s friends?

If you’re planning on presenting the graduation certificate and photo side-by-side to give to the student as a memento, the opportunities are endless. Another common photo idea is to have the owner hold the graduation diploma and pose next to their pet. Either choice makes an excellent photo memory that can be displayed as a reminder of their achievement.
We love dogs & we love framing dog portraits
At Studio Style, we love dogs! And we love helping people share their love and appreciation for their dogs. Whether you need your dog’s graduation photos framed, or you need some giveaways at the animal shelter or veterinary clinic, let’s talk photo folders.
My late Boxer who passed away on 2-11-2010 always listened on the first or second at the most command. I could say find my son (by my son’s name) and he would go to him. I could take him out in the back yard and tell him to find his toys and knew the difference between a ball and frisbee. He learned to catch a frisbee almost automatically. We wouldn’t let him jump on our glass doggy door for us to let him in, so he learned on his own to tap the glass with his tail. I could say get in the tub, he would. Go to bed, he would. He knew the difference between car and van. He knew all the basic tricks. He learned to open his gate, but when I told him it was bad he never did it again. I could go on all day…. I really miss him, but we got a new 6 week old boxer pup and I hope he is as smart as the other.